Lauries Kitchen

Saturday, August 30, 2008

New recipe!!!!!

I made this today for lunch. I got the recipe froma dear co-worker, Jane. It was so good and I duplicated it well!!!!

Jane's Open Face Stromboli

1 package turkey peperoni
1 package Italian sausage, browned
1 jar pizza sauce
1 french bread (the kind already baked)
olive oil (to drizzle)
Mozz cheese

Cut the bread in half. Then slice lengthwise to get 8 slices. Place on baking sheet lined with foil (easy cleanup). Drizzle bread with olive oil, then put 2 teaspoons of pizza sauce on each bread. Put peperoni and cooked suasage in blender or food processor and chop until very fine. Put meat on top of pizza sauce. Cover in cheese. Broil until hot and cheese melts. Eat it likes its a piece of pizza. Yummy! Yummy!

School started this past Monday. JoGail had her name moved on Wednesday. Yes, for talking. So here we go again. She says she gets stuff on her mind and just has to talk. So I am thinking about sending a notebook (the one Aunt Missy decorated with her name on it) to school with her so she can write down her thoughts when she feels like the HAS to talk. What do you'll think????She loves her teacher and really loves finally getting to the Intermediate school! Her soccer practice started last week,so she was in full swing. By Thursday night she was going to bed at 7!!!She was so tired.

Grace made her away around the Middle School. She has discovered she sits behind the same person in almost every class because they assign them seats alphabetically. All of the sudden she's into taking 3 showers a day and toting a hairbrush around (never thought I would see that!). She's participating in band and wants to play the trumpet. I think Missy is still locating Mike's so maybe she can use that one. She says she will give us a wake up call in the morning when she learns to play it. We'll see. Her soccer is going in full swing. They have 13 players this season, so there's not alot of substitutes! Her team will be in at least 2 tournaments, so I will try to let everyone know when and where they are.I haven't received a schedule for either team yet. I am planning to try and scan it and post it when I get them.

Coy is starting to take after PawPaw Cole. He told them it was called Labor Day for a reason, so they have been outside raking with him. (beats moving wood) They have worked doing that most of this afternoon. Speaking of Coy, he gets some wisdom teeth pulled Wednesday. (first thing in the morning) The girls are spending Tuesday might with Deanna and Jason, since I couldn't get them to school on time and have him in Tyler at that time. I'm praying it goes well. We'll see.

My relatives in Lake Charles, LA are fanning out again. Hopefully the storm won't be as bad as Katrina and Rita were. Just be safe and keep in touch!

I learned how to crochet a little yesterday afternoon. We had a 'hen' party after work and I think I finally got it. I know why Emmer had arthritis. My hands were hurting something fierce when I first started! Still trying to learn how to make a pot holder or dish rag......guess what everyone is getting for Christmas????haha we'll see. Better tell me your favorite colors just in case, though.

Well, I am typing this on the home computer and Grace is picketing until I get off.....Missy has some good news so call her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am soo proud of her!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's official!

We are a Southern family!!!! Made some beans and 2 (yes 2) pans of cornbread and only had a sliver left!

The girls are home !!!!

The girls have been back a bill has doubles and I believe the loads of laundry to wash have tripled!!!! But it is so good to have my children home. We really missed them. They are still talking about camp--especially going to the museum. JoGail just told me this afternoon that she got to touch 'real' cotton at camp.

Grace just continues to amaze us. She performed well at the performance camp this summer. SO, she's been begging for free weights ever since and if she keeps it up may get them before her birthday in November. (We just have to finish the projects in the garage first to make a place for them. :) ) She's been pricing them online and everything. So she decided to keep working on her chin ups......she took the bar stools and put a broom stick between them....I now have a warped broom stick. Then this afternoon she kept coming and and going out with the yard stick. We finally asked her what in the world was she doing. Well, it turns out she was trying to mark off 40 yards in the yard so she can run some 40's. Coy stepped them off and off she ran. I think she said she did 20 today. But she's doing this all on her own!!!!I think that's wonderful. Of course, she's an Olympic junkie. She's hooked on Phelps and is sort of admitting volleyball isn't bad after watching the women's beach volleyball. She said maybe she and Lindsey could do that. So maybe there is hope for her yet in volleyball! Her soccer practice starts next week. She's ready to see everybody!

JoGail has had a bad week. She just can't seem to 'remember' to put her stuff up around the house. I think every room has a little bit of JoGail in it. Drives us crazy!!!!She's been jumping on the trampoline and then running to the house for her exercise. She moves up to U10 this season so her field will get alot bigger! Coy's going to coach her team and most of the players from last year are playing again. She's creating recipe sin the kitchen and trying to surprise me with them. Last week it was all about making something with sour cream and mozz cheese.........I don't complain lest I stifle her creativity. She's still the only 8 year old I know that lives for the food channel and reads cookbooks. (Too bad they won't give her AR points!)

Garden update!!!!Watermelons are still growing everywhere. We surrender to whatever animal is toting off the cantaloupes and then dropping them 6 feet outside of the garden area. I'm tired of giving away okra, too. The neighbors are starting to lock their cars to keep us from leaving it on the front seat (they won't answer the door when they see JG coming with a wal-mart sack on her bike) haha Coy said we may have watermelons for Thanksgiving!!!3 little plants......sooo many watermelons!!!

Going to go walk. I tried to walk yesterday morning but it was storming......then I walked a little before the football scrimmage this morning. Our guys were awesome, too!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

AAAHHHH the quiet life

Most of you know it was back to work for me last Monday. (Poor Coy has been working all summer) Been a tough week, lost of met tings and plenty of sitting! I have managed to get up and walk every day, although it's not as long as I was walking in the summer. (got to get up EARLIER for that) The girls have been at Camp Grammy PawPaw this week. I've heard tales of building birdhouses, ghosts, and evidently dumping buckets of water on people! We meet them Sat in Wichita Falls to make the swap. I'm anxious to see them (the girls), but oh how nice it has been with peace and quiet around here. Nobody's asked to borrow my cell phone ALL week!!! (to text, not talk)I have even managed to take a bath without people knocking on the door or peeping through the fireplace into the bathroom. I have done a good job monitoring my carbs this week, too. Somehow it's easier when you don't have to 'fix' supper every night. (Coy's fine with sandwiches and canned soup or salad---wahoo!!!)Back to menu planning next week.

Enrollment is expected to be down at Eustace this year. Will let you know. I'm not sure if Mabank is affected or not. Many families that once commuted to work in Dallas are moving back because of gas prices.

Walking group is still going strong--bravos to you ladies--one lady has lost her goal of twenty pounds with the help of walking and a nutritionist........wahoo!!Guess how much i have lost-----after walking over 150 miles this summer-- the same--about three pounds according to my home scale. I think I am going to start weighing at school. I like that scale better. It's friendlier! It says (based on a starting weight off my home scale) 11 pounds. I think I will drag with my everywhere so I can ALWAYS have the friendly scale with me!!!

Should have tough love cleaned out the girls' rooms while they were gone, but I didn't. Will probably regret much easier to throw things away when they aren't here.

Saw my cousin;s wife on "So You Think You Can Dance" show tonight. She had submitted a Snuggle Happy Dance video and won some tickets out to the show. She's grinning and waving wearing a red shirt when they showed the winners. Way to go, Becky G!!!! (Your wedding is still the funnest I have ever been to, by the way!!)

It was wonderful to see all my co workers and friends back at work this week. The rest of the 'family' gets there next week. Not very many new faces in Spec Programs this year (that's a good thing). Tina, Gina, Jane, Jodie, and Casey--I'm so glad you all had a good break, but I'm glad to see you all again! We had a Visual impairment workshop the other day and got to put on simulator glasses so we can see what it's like for some of our VI kids. Wow! Such a great workshop. It was the whole 'walk a mile in my shoes' type thing.

Anybody out there know anything about a book called "The Shack"? Somebody told me I would like's about a man and God tells him to meet him in 'the shack'..........if you know anything let me know...I am thinking about trying to order it. I would like to know more before I order, though. I am also thinking about ordering "The Last Lecture" book, too. I got it at the library but I think I want to reread it and write all in it then pass it on to Gina-let her write all in it--then pass it on to Tina or Jane or Casey or Jodie!!!!You know the traveling book type thing!!!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

here we go again

Well, it's school time again! Coy's starting his 25th year so I guess that means I'm going on 15. Still along ways to go until retirement, though!

We met Mike and delivered the goods, um I mean girls. Grace invited her friend Jordan to go. I know they will have a good time. Grammy and PawPaw have to be on good behavior with her there!(LOL) Meanwhile Binky is in shock because the house is so quiet. I'm (still) hoping to dabble in photoshop some this week. I bought a book, so that's at least a start!

I start back tomorrow. No I am not ready. I have things to schedule asap and just dread doing that. Once I get past these first few I will be ok. Our new computer program rocks! We have been doing the test pilot for two weeks and so far I love it!!!!We are set to transfer over around Sept 1 (we are one of the first to get to do that!)

Going to try and get up early this week to keep walking. I figured I have walked over 150 miles this summer and lost....get ready for this......drum roll please......maybe, maybe three pounds. At that rate I will be 90 before I lose the weight I need to. But in my defense, I am not taking diet pills or anything like that. Still, I expected more to be off by now. I go back at the end of Sept to check blood sugar, blood pressure, etc...Friends from Eustace are supposed to email me to make sure I keep walking.......hint hint nudge nudge!!!

Both girls are signed up for soccer. Grace is set to move from goalie to sweeper. She is soo excited. It's going to be different for her. Coy is still going to coach JG's team. They move up to a BIGGER field this season plus it's a longer game. Both girls have a chance for their team to make it to TOC this December. We'll just have to see!

Friday, August 01, 2008

We're back!

We had a wonderful time at the Great Wolf! It was nice to get away from the world for a while! The girls really enjoyed the indoor waterpark and Grace loved the magiquest game. JoGail and Coy hit the arcade while I read. But alas, we have to get back to the real world!

Garden is still going. Just this morning I had to untangle a watermelon vie from some okra plants. Wouldn't have done it except there was a baby watermelon starting to grow. Amazingly we have new blooms on the watermelon vines! Still getting oodles of okra.

The girls are getting ready to head to my folks for Camp Grammy PawPaw. They always look forward to that and the neat things they do. Grace is taking a friend, Jordan, with her. Thankfully Missy is meeting us in Wichita Falls on Sunday. Then it's back to work for me on Monday!

I'm still walking. takes more for me to get up earlier, but I am trying. My new walking shoes gave me a huge blister on the back of my heel. That has to count for something! I tried something new to eat on vacation-shrimp embrochette. It was soo good. I want to try and make it. It's shrimp stuffed with cream cheese and crab meat and wrapped in a piece of bacon.

The girls are headed to swimming with Ashley and Haley Purselley. They will have a good time.
I'm dabbling in photo shop again. I bought the book Missy recommended and and trying to learn it. If I can do some stuff I'll post again and put some picts up.